We are proud to introduce our first mobile application uCare Animal welfare app.
This uCare Animal welfare app or application allows you to either enter a cosmetics or pet food company name.
Then scan the applications database and in an instant find out if that company tests it’s products on animals or not.
The application will also tell you if the company is vegan friendly.
Manufacturers will NOT be on the ‘white list’ if any of its products contain any ingredients:
1) Forcibly extracted from a live animal in a manner that gave pain or discomfort
2) That came from an animal killed specifically for the extraction of that ingredient
3) Derived from any wildlife:-
4) That are by-products of the fur industry
5) That are slaughterhouse by-products of a significant value
The manufacturer must also not test it’s products on animals.
Instructions to use uCare Animal welfare app :
When you are considering a specific brand of cosmetics or pet food. Firstly run the uCare or iCare application.
Enter the manufacturer name in the text box at the top of the screen. You only need to enter a minimum of 3 letters
and the database will be scanned for any potential match. You will then be presented with a short list of companies.
Choose the one you are interested in and you will be instantly told weather the company is animal friendly or not.
1) Using this application will save you carrying around the 30 odd pages of information.
2) quick and accurate
3) Confirms a companies ‘Animal Friendly’ status
4) confirms a companies ‘Vegan friendly’ status
5) If everyone used it, then cruelty to animals would hopefully significantly reduce.
6) force companies to rethink their attitude to Animal welfare.
If you find this application helpful please tell all your friends about it.
Available on iTunes here http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/ucare/id441029906?mt=8
uCare Animal welfare app is also available on nokia symbian phones called iCare here:
– Fixed web browser: http://store.ovi.com/content/129496
– Nokia mobile browser: http://store.ovi.mobi/content/129496
Good day! You some type of expert? Nice message. Are you able to tell me how one can subscribe your blog?
I created it for a friends daughter to allow her to make informed choices about the make-up she used. Prior to this app she was carring around nearly 30 A4 sheets of paper with the animal friendly list on it. I’m glad you like it.
Expert? No. The information in uCare / iCare was gathered from reputable animal welfare groups.
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Thank you- a very handy app. My daughter, too, is keen on making an informed choice re: make-up. Much easier than carrying around a wad of paper OR than trying to read the (often non-existent) fine print on the products.
This is cool!